Please consider upgrading to a modern browser. In order to view this site as it is intended. The Sherburne County Board of Commissioners have approved the 2018 Legislative Priorities. If you have any questions. Controlled Burns in Sand Dunes State Forest. Residents in the area can expect to see smoke from the fires, w.
Have you read the disclaimer. Experienced Texas Defense Lawyers Serving Counties Throughout the State. Acclaimed Houston criminal defense lawyers Nicole DeBorde and Mark Hochglaube have nearly 20 years of experience handling high-profile cases in the state and federal criminal justice systems. She is a former prosecutor who has discreetly handled the most basic to the most complex cases and have built an impressive record of success in both state and federal courts.
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Lost, But Not Forgotten. Lost, But Not Forgotten. Westin, Jekyll Island, GA. GACDL 2018 Appellate and Habeas Corpus Seminar. GSU College of Law, Atlanta, GA. Debra Blum Mental Health Advocacy Training. GSU College of Law, Atlanta, GA. Brasstown Valley Resort- Young Harris, GA.
Data Privacy and Cyber Security. The intersection of interactive gaming and government regulation. Cutting edge issues in finance and technology. Privacy policies for online businesses.
News and Issues in Health and Justice. Center for Health and Justice. Inaugural Pre-Arrest Diversion Conference in March; HHS Assistant Secretary Elinore McCance-Katz to Speak. The first-ever National Pre-Arrest Diversion Conference. Will take place March 4-7, 2018, in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. As a special guest speaker, U. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Elinore F. McCance-Katz, MD, PhD. Of which the Center for Health and Justic.
Jury Charge is a weblog devoted to Texas legal issues and commentary. Tuesday, September 15, 2015. Obergefell and Divorce in Texas. So many things are changing following the Obergefell. Opinion handed down by the United States Supreme Court. That opinion finally confirmed that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry. Prior to this decision, Texas did not recognize such marriages. In the wake of Obergefell. Saturday, October 5, 2013. New Guideline Child Support Increase. Sunday, August 18, 2013.
Harassment Injunctions and Restraining Orders. Our firm accepts both Visa and Mastercard credit cards, checks, and cash. Each case is unique, so we will discuss fee agreements during our free initial consultation.